This is a good take on the DeSantis and Trump dynamic at the moment. It’s complicated. Very complicated. Puck’s Tara Palmeri has an excellent interview with Florida politico Peter Schorsch about what DeSantis Land is thinking these days and I have to say . . . it does not inspire confidence in Meatball Ron’s chances. Read the whole thing. Being immune to real-world feedback is not a great trait in a politician. And I agree that the window to attack Trump has closed because of the indictment. But the best line is from the unnamed Trump aide: “DeSantis brought a mercenary army to a holy war.” That perfectly sums up the establishment support for DeSantis. Conservatism Inc. was so eager for someone to rid them of Trump that they jumped behind DeSantis purely because his poll numbers were good. They had no plan. They were never going to confront Trump. They simply believed that they could lecture the rubes about electability and then the unwashed would do what they were told. They didn’t understand that for Republican base voters, this isn’t about “electability.” It’s a holy war of the ummah against the haram. Conservatism Inc. made this same mistake in 2016. And 2018. And 2020. It made this mistake after January 6. And then in the second impeachment. Then again in 2022. What I don’t understand is why Conservatism Inc. keeps making it. Perhaps it’s because contemplating the true power dynamic would be too humiliating. Or maybe it’s that the realize that the only potential remedy to this…