They’ll have Trumpism without so much Trump in it The persistent Mr. Frank Luntz delights us with yet another look into the minds and desires of Trump voters. He finds them, curiously, outside rural diners. He doesn’t specify how he selects his focus groups — more than two dozen! — and gets them to sit still for him. Some things haven’t changed. Like their sense of victimization (New York Times): Many felt ignored and forgotten by the professional political class before Mr. Trump, and victimized and ridiculed for liking him now. Like Republican primary voters nationwide, the focus group participants still respect him, most still believe in him, a majority think the 2020 election was stolen, and half still want him to run again in 2024. Others want Trump without so much Trumpiness in a 2024 presidential candidate. They want “a candidate who champions Mr. Trump’s agenda but with decency, civility and a commitment to personal responsibility and accountability.” Um, no, they don’t. That’s the difference between Luntz reporting what Trump voters say they want and considering what their choices actually reflect. Trump’s agenda? What was Trump’s agenda besides Trump? Can any of them say? Luntz doesn’t mention asking. Decency, civility, personal responsibility? Did any of these Trump fans ever attend one of his “Lock Her Up” superspreader rallies? Did Luntz ask how many “FUCK YOUR FEELINGS” tee shirts his interviewees owned between them? I hear Veruca Salt singing: I want the worldI want the whole worldI want to lock…