Spurring an Endless Arms Race

Mon, 17/04/2023 - 07:30
Mon, 17/04/2023 - 07:30

Why is the Pentagon budget so high? On March 13th, the Biden administration unveiled its $842 billion military budget request for 2024, the largest ask (in today’s dollars) since the peaks of the Afghan and Iraq wars. And mind you, that’s before the hawks in Congress get their hands on it. Last year, they added $35 billion to the administration’s request and, this year, their add-on is likely to prove at least that big. Given that American forces aren’t even officially at war right now (if you don’t count those engaged in counter-terror operations in Africa and elsewhere), what explains so much military spending? The answer offered by senior Pentagon officials and echoed in mainstream Washington media coverage is that... Read more

Source: Spurring an Endless Arms Race appeared first on TomDispatch.com.
