Rats ratting out rats

Thu, 20/04/2023 - 00:30
Thu, 20/04/2023 - 00:30
More accountability, please CNN: The Fulton County District Attorney’s office said some fake electors for Donald Trump have implicated each other in potential criminal activity and is seeking to disqualify their lawyer, according to a new court filing. The district attorney’s office is requesting that attorney Kimberly Bourroughs Debrow be disqualified from representing a group of 10 Republicans who served as electors for the former president in Georgia – a state Trump lost to President Joe Biden. The DA’s office also accused the lawyer of failing to present an immunity deal to her clients last year, according to the filing. The new filing offers the latest indication that immunity offers could still be in the works months after Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis suggested charging decisions were “imminent.” Not imminent enough. The Guardian: The claims of additional illegal activity by one of the fake electors comes as state prosecutors in the district attorney’s office consider asking a new grand jury to return a potentially sprawling criminal conspiracy against Trump, his top aides and the fake electors themselves. Willis and her team could finalize their plans as soon as the end of the month and then impanel a grand jury starting in May to hear the case, according to a source familiar with the matter, though it was not clear if the latest development could delay proceedings. Trump is seen as having two main areas of legal jeopardy in Georgia: the calls he made to officials like secretary of state Brad Raffensperger in…