Armed and spoiling for a fight David French, recalls the unsettling incident when his son received a direct message displaying three Klan hoods. The former Republican, former National Review staff writer says his multiracial family (his adopted daughter is Black) began receiving doxxing and death threats after he rejected Donald Trump and Trumpism: Within moments, my son received another message, a picture of a road several miles from our house. Then another picture arrived. A road sign. This one was closer. Someone seemed to be coming to our home. No one arrived, but such harrassment had happened before. French grew up in Alabama, owned guns, etc., etc. But the gun rights movement has morphed into “widespread gun idolatry. ‘Guns’ have joined ‘God’ and ‘Trump’ in the hierarchy of right-wing values.” Worse, more people are walking around armed and spoiling for a fight. Things seem to have gotten out of hand, maybe: In recent days we’ve seen a rash of terrible shootings by nervous, fearful or angry citizens. A young kid rings the bell on the wrong door and is shot. A young woman drives into the wrong driveway and is shot. A cheerleader accidentally tries to get in the wrong car and is pursued and shot, along with her friend. A basketball rolls into a man’s yard, and a neighboring 6-year-old girl and her father are shot. French worries(?) about a backlash: Moreover, every one of these acts increases public revulsion of gun ownership generally. The cry for legal and moral reform will sweep the land. America will change…