Banned in Miami-Dade

Thu, 25/05/2023 - 00:30
Thu, 25/05/2023 - 00:30
My, aren’t they delicate flowers? Book banners gonna ban books (NBC News): Amanda Gorman, the nation’s first National Youth Poet Laureate, spoke out Tuesday against what she described as a book ban after access to the poem she recited at President Joe Biden’s inauguration was limited at a Florida school. Miami-Dade County Public Schools moved “The Hill We Climb” to the middle school section of the library after a parent filed a formal objection to the work, according to documents obtained by the Florida Freedom to Read Project and shared with media. The Miami Herald first reported the story. “Unnecessary #bookbans like these are on the rise, and we must fight back,” Gorman said in a post on Facebook that accompanied a one-page statement in which she said her book had been banned from an elementary school. “I’m gutted,” Gorman reacted in a tweet. School officials pushed back, saying that “‘The Hill We Climb’ is better suited for middle school students and, it was shelved in the middle school section of the media center.” A review of five titles available at the library at Bob Graham Education Center in Miami Lakes was triggered after a parent of two students filled out forms requesting the titles be removed “from the total environment,” according to the documents obtained by the Freedom to Read Project, a group founded by public school parents and dedicated to fighting what it calls book bans in the state. A review by the Washington Post of complaints in 153 school districts for the 2021-2022…