Everything old is new again

Tue, 20/06/2023 - 09:30
Tue, 20/06/2023 - 09:30
They always have a supposedly reasonable rationale but the truth is they assume that the people receiving these people will be horrified because of course they are just as racist as they are. But they’re horrified because of the cruelty inflicted on those who are being used a pawns in their ugly game. This is sick, ugly stuff. But they can’t seem to help themselves, apparently convinced that most of the country thinks these stunts are hilarious and/or justified. It’s not. This Reuters poll from last fall found: Following a highly-publicized drive by Republican governors to bus or fly thousands of migrants to Democratic areas in recent months, 53% of Republican respondents in the poll said they supported the practice. Twenty-nine percent opposed it. Sixteen percent of Democrats supported the practice and 55% were opposed. Overall, 29% of Americans supported the practice and 40% opposed. Forty-five percent of respondents in the Reuters/Ipsos poll – including 63% of Democrats and 31% of Republicans – said state leaders transporting migrants were committing illegal migrant trafficking. At the time the Republicans were working themselves into a frenzy preparing for what they assumed would be a massive surge at the border once the COVID rules were ended. That surge never materialized although you’ve heard absolutely nothing about it despite the fact that the mainstream media pimped the anticipation for months as well. But they’re still shipping migrants out of state. now they’ve taken to shipping them to California. If they think they’re teaching California…