It doesn’t matter how wild the weather gets

Sun, 09/07/2023 - 03:30
Sun, 09/07/2023 - 03:30
The denialists will never, ever accept climate change The world is burning up right now with temperatures soaring even in places like the arctic. The scientific consensus is that this is caused by climate change and common sense can tell any yokel on the street that this is not normal. However, the wingnuts will never accept this presumably because they either care more about their fossil fuel portfolios or they care more about owning the libs than anything else in this world. Here’s an example from Paul Hindraker (aka Hindrocket for those of you who remember the good old days of blogging.) This last week, the press has been full of alarmist headlines: Tuesday was the hottest day ever! No, Wednesday was the hottest day ever! Of course, you have to 1) define “ever,” and 2) believe that we have any idea what the average temperature is, over the whole Earth, on a particular day–let alone a particular day 1,000 years ago. At Watts Up With That?, Paul Homewood comments: Then there is this: Wait, what? I didn’t know they had SUVs 125,000 years ago. What made it warm then? You’re not supposed to ask. This is an educated man not a snotty 6th grader. If the temperature was ever this hot before SUVs it means that it can’t be caused by SUVs today? Come on. STEVE adds—Steve Milloy has an excellent column on this issue coming out tomorrow in the Wall Street Journal: The global-warming industry has declared that July 3 and 4…