Millennial Edgelord for president

Tue, 29/08/2023 - 02:30
Tue, 29/08/2023 - 02:30
Vivek Ranmaswwamy is the future of the GOP There is a lot of talk these days about what is to become of the Republican Party once Trump is gone. It seems a bit premature considering that Trump is still very much present and whether he wins or loses, he’s not going anywhere until he’s six feet under. Still, the man is 77 years old so it’s natural to consider what’s going to be left of the hulking wreck of the GOP once he leaves this mortal coil. The fact that Trump is the runaway favorite to win the 2024 Republican nomination despite the 91 felony charges he faces in four different cases really says it all about where the party is today. Polling over the past couple of weeks confirms that most Republicans still believe The Big Lie and are convinced that his legal troubles are trumped up charges by a Democratic Party Deep State conspiracy. Whether they actually buy this is debatable, but it’s clear that they are sticking with their man regardless. Criminal or not, they like what he’s selling. No, actually they love what he’s selling. And what that comes down to is transgressivism. They love his crude defiance of all social norms, that he acts as though they don’t even exist. They love that he doesn’t follow the rules or even follow the law if that’s what it takes to get what he wants and they love that their enemies can’t make him capitulate even when…