Brothers in arms

Sat, 02/09/2023 - 06:30
Sat, 02/09/2023 - 06:30
If you have some time today, take a look at this video from a leading activist in Hungary about the growing ties between Viktor Orbán and the Republican Party. It’s not good: This is the story of how has the far right ruling party of Hungary been building its connections with the Trumpist wing of the American Republicans. In our video, we show that Orbán’s party, the Fidesz, and its publicly funded political machinery have been consciously working for years on developing a network of lobby groups, think tanks and media organizations that creates and nurtures the international comradery between the hardline nationalists of Hungary and America. It is not a coincidence that former Fox News host Tucker Carlson visited Orbán and had been presenting Hungary in his interviews as the Trumpian Utopia Country, nor that the Hungarian PM was invited to speak at the CPAC Texas and Hungary hosted the first Conservative Political Action Conference held in Europe, nor that Florida’s infamous “Don’t Say Gay Bill” has a striking similarity to Hungary’s anti gay law passed in 2021 – two years before Ron DeSantis had built up the courage to copy it in the US.