91 Charges and a 60% approval rating

Sun, 03/09/2023 - 08:30
Sun, 03/09/2023 - 08:30
You’d think that would give GOP voters pause. But … The WSJ reports: Donald Trump has expanded his dominating lead for the Republican presidential nomination, a new Wall Street Journal poll shows, as GOP primary voters overwhelmingly see his four criminal prosecutions as lacking merit and about half say the indictments fuel their support for him. The new survey finds that what was once a two-man race for the nomination has collapsed into a lopsided contest in which Trump, for now, has no formidable challenger. The former president is the top choice of 59% of GOP primary voters, up 11 percentage points since April, when the Journal tested a slightly different field of potential and declared candidates. Trump’s lead over his top rival, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, has nearly doubled since April to 46 percentage points. At 13% support, DeSantis is barely ahead of the rest of the field, none of whom has broken out of single-digit support. I’m actually a little surprised it took this long. There was never a question that this would be the dynamic. I suppose anything can happen but if all goes as usual, Trump will be the nominee. By the way, for those tormented by Biden’s low approval rating and the close general election poll, this is Obama’s approval rating at this time in the 2012 election cycle: Here’s Biden’s (they only publish them monthly now) Just saying.