Board Election 2023 Candidate: Stephen Mustgrave

Tue, 05/09/2023 - 23:09
Tue, 05/09/2023 - 23:09

Who are you? (biography/background)


Why are you running for a board seat at the Drupal Association? (mission/motivation)

Been working with Drupal for almost 10 years now but just got involved in the last year with the community and have loved it!  Started in bugsmash, helped start needs-review-queue-initative and would like to see how I can continue to give back!

Why should members vote for you? (qualifications)

  • Been heavily involved over the last year
  • Active on slack and trying to answer community threads
  • Tapping into community frustrations and helping resolve those.  Think this would be an opportunity to only continue that fantastic work forward!
  • Possibly help to start new initiatives to help push Drupal even further.