Board Election 2023 Candidate: Ashraf Abed

Mon, 04/09/2023 - 23:28
Mon, 04/09/2023 - 23:28

Who are you? (biography/background)

Hello! My name is Ashraf Abed, and I am, first-and-foremost, an appreciative member of the Drupal community. I am based out of the Greater Washington DC area. I wear many hats at work with responsibilities spanning the roles of CEO, Drupal instructor, and Technical Architect. I owe a lot to Drupal and the Drupal community. My passion for Drupal manifests in 3 primary ways: whenever possible, I aim to Sponsor, Educate, and Contribute. I sponsor via a company I started 10 years ago, Debug Academy. It's a very small shop, and yet we prioritize sponsoring events such as DrupalCon as well as smaller camps. It is in all of our best interests for the Drupal Association to thrive. I educate by teaching newcomers and experienced folks alike how to build with, and get the most out, Drupal the software. I have personally trained hundreds of Drupal developers in live, small-group classes. I contribute in various ways: free training, scholarships, serving as a board member of Drupal4Gov, building websites for nonprofits with students, and leading students to build and maintain , a free community resource showcasing videos from Drupal conferences and camps around the world.

Why are you running for a board seat at the Drupal Association? (mission/motivation)

I and my organization are eager to contribute to the Drupal Association, but the processes we're interested in partaking in sometimes seem to take place behind closed doors. I want to expand access and communication channels with the Drupal Association to enable the community to play a greater role in its success and growth.

My interest is in, primarily, expanding the reach of Drupal. This refers to both the supply (of Drupal talent) as well as the demand (for software built using Drupal). I want to assist the Drupal Association in sustainably growing itself and expanding the reach of Drupal, as well as speak on behalf of countless newcomers to the Drupal community I interact with on a daily basis.

Why should members vote for you? (qualifications)

I believe my vantage point is one that can add a lot of value to the board. Specifically, one of my roles is that of a decision-maker of a company who sponsors Drupal events and organizations. This position enables me to understand what is and is not seen as valuable to organizations who build with Drupal. Let's expand opportunities for companies to invest in the Drupal Association in a mutually beneficial manner.

Additionally, in interacting directly with newcomers to the Drupal community on a daily basis I see both technical and social needs that are not being met. As experienced members of the Drupal community, many of us take plenty for granted. Working with newcomers ensures that issues which impact them are regularly top-of-mind.I am also an expert-level 'full-stack' Drupal developer comfortable with Drupal 7 through 10+. I understand which proposals are feasible both from a technical standpoint as well as a community standpoint.

And last but not least, I value creating safe spaces and welcoming, inclusive environments. For example, my company has hosted hybrid live in-person/online events for 7 years to ensure events are accessible. Through that and other efforts, our student body is diverse, welcoming, youthful, and thriving.

I hope for the opportunity to listen to and learn from the community, while playing a role in bringing positive growth to the Drupal Association as a board member. Thank you for your time and consideration.

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