Adapt or die

Sat, 16/09/2023 - 23:00
Sat, 16/09/2023 - 23:00
Technological change is a bumpy road The United Auto Workers are on strike against the Big Three (Washington Post): UAW Ford workers say they are striking because they are not making enough money to support their families or their futures. “We have our limits too,” said Kevin Ewald, a Ford employee who has worked at the company for nearly three decades. He wants his newer colleagues to be paid more for doing “bone-breaking” work. UAW workers began striking just after midnight Friday morning after failing to reach a deal with the Big Three autoworkers, Ford, General Motors and Stellantis. The union demanded 36 percent wage increases for workers over four years, saying that wages have not kept up with inflation. Full-time workers make about $18 to $32 an hour while CEOs at the Big Three companies each made more than $20 million in overallcompensation last year, figures the union used to justify its demands for higher worker wages. The UAW also wants an end to tiered employment system, which means that newer workers get lower pay and have worse benefits. The companies countered that they are offering bigger wage increases than they have in years but can’t meet all of the union’s demands and stay viable. Auto manufacturers “still making most of their money from gasoline-driven cars” are trying to retool for making electric vehicles while trying to compete against Tesla and foreign EV makers, reports The New York Times: Under pressure from government officials and changing consumer demand, Ford, G.M. and Stellantis…