Trump floods the zone with nonsense

Tue, 19/09/2023 - 08:30
Tue, 19/09/2023 - 08:30
I think Philip Bump’s analysis of the Trump interview problem is on point. The rest of the media should know this by now: Donald Trump’s success in the 2016 Republican nominating contest was, at its essence, uncomplicated. Running against a cadre of sitting and former elected officials, Trump said things they wouldn’t — mostly the things that were being said in the right-wing media and by pundits on Fox News. The reputation for “truth-telling” his supporters embrace was born of his willingness to elevate false, popular claims, particularly about the left. He wasn’t elected for his policies; in fact, he broadly rejected the idea that people cared much about policy. The only thing that’s changed over the past eight years, really, is that everyone should know the playbook by now. We should know that he will 1) flood the zone with things that are burbling on the right-wing fringe, 2) make sweeping promises without much follow-through and 3) reject any criticism out of hand, spinning it into a reason to praise himself. And so it was with his interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that aired Sunday. One of only a few interviews with a traditional news outlet since he announced his 2024 candidacy last November, the discussion began precisely as his 2015 announcement at Trump Tower had begun: He would make America great again in part by repelling the hordes of criminal immigrants flooding into the country. “They come from prisons. They come from mental institutions, insane asylums,” he said as…