Why aren’t the Republicans alarmed about addled Trump?

Wed, 27/09/2023 - 09:00
Wed, 27/09/2023 - 09:00
The President says the “1917 pandemic” ended the Second World War pic.twitter.com/jSltuSYim2 — Acyn (@Acyn) August 10, 2020 JV Last at the Bulwark notes that while the Democrats are wringing their hands so violently over Joe Biden’s age that they’re rubbing the skin off of their palms, the Republicans don’t really seem to care all that much about the fact that their presumptive nominee is an addled criminal. … Some Biden supporters are frustrated with this increasingly public agita and they often state that this frustration is premised on the fact that the media doesn’t mention Trump’s advanced age with the same urgency or concern as Biden’s. I don’t know if that stated critique gets at the heart of the frustration, though. Yes, Trump is also old, and sure, it would be nice for The Media to mention that from time to time. But the real exasperation simmering underneath goes something like this:  SURE BIDEN IS OLD BUT THE OTHER CANDIDATE IS A FELONIOUS MANIAC WHO ATTEMPTED A COUP AND HAS SAID HE WANTS TO END THE CONSTITUTION AND ASSASSINATE HIS POLITICAL ENEMIES. WHY AREN’T MORE PEOPLE—REPUBLICANS, THE MEDIA, MY FATHER, ANYONE!!!!—PANICKING ABOUT THAT INSTEAD?! That is the issue flummoxing me of late.  The timeline for Trump is the same as it is for Biden. Now would be the time for a full-court press to prevent him from being nominated and yet . . . only Jack Smith seems to be making progress in that regard.  Look at this screengrab from…