I just don’t know what to say

Wed, 27/09/2023 - 06:00
Wed, 27/09/2023 - 06:00
By a 9-point margin, voters see the Democratic Party as more ideologically extreme than the Republican Party. View more: https://t.co/Cm8WUBAfy8 pic.twitter.com/p6ZZ6adnCk — Morning Consult (@MorningConsult) September 25, 2023 Is this true? I don’t know. It’s just one poll. But it’s hard to believe that it’s even close. The party that stormed the Capitol and wants to elect the former president who plotted a coup and is under four felony indictments is less extreme than Joe Biden? Than the Democratic Party of Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi? What? This idea is a relic of the 40+ years of Republican and centrist Democrat hippie bashing. The reality of our changed circumstances hasn’t yet taken hold as conventional wisdom. Apparently, Americans still can’t see a bunch of white middle aged men and women dressed in red, white and blue worshiping an insane demagogue who wants to suspend the constitution as extreme.