Just to Confirm, We’re All Still Wearing Shorts Tonight, Right?

Wed, 27/09/2023 - 22:00
Wed, 27/09/2023 - 22:00

Hey, bud. I’m just checking in to see if everyone’s still wearing shorts to dinner later. I distinctly remember us all agreeing tonight would be way too hot for pants. So in case you were wondering, I’m still 100 percent committed to that pact.

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The forecast is holding firm at ninety-three degrees between 7 and 8 p.m. Definitely shorts weather. It does get a little chilly in Tampa around 11 p.m. Not sure if that alters things with you guys in the pants realm? I know Darryl likes to think ahead. As long as more than one of us is still wearing shorts, I suppose it’s cool if he turns up in jeans. A pants contingency plan might be something to consider, though.

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A few goosebumps appearing on the ol’ calf muscles now. Has Greg said anything about the shorts sitch? He mentioned something about the sea breeze making conditions quite cool in the evenings. I don’t know him that well. Is he the sort of guy to bail on wearing shorts even though everyone was in agreement?

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I think I’m gonna bring a pair of back-up khakis, just in case. If you guys are all wearing shorts, then no harm, no foul. Worst case, you all neglect to tell me that the group mutually decided to wear long pants before our scheduled meet time, and I have to hurriedly get changed in the bathroom before the appetizers arrive. Either way, I’ll be ready.

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A couple of the TripAdvisor reviews mention this seafood place has outdoor heaters. Maybe that’s the kind of information you might want to pass along to the others. It might just help them make a more concrete decision vis-à-vis below the knee.

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You know what could be helpful? If you pick me up instead of meeting at the restaurant. That way you can see what’s on my bottom half, and more importantly, I can see what’s on your bottom half. I’ve thought about it, and it’s definitely the best course of action for averting a disaster. You know, like everyone shivering or me turning up to the restaurant as the only one in shorts.

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Quick question: Is there any chance we could change the reservation to tomorrow night? The cargo shorts with removable pant legs I ordered should arrive by then. I’d just feel a lot more comfortable knowing I could switch seamlessly between shorts and pants with a mere pull of a zip.

Also, jacket or no jacket?