Child’s Guide to War: A film troika*

Wed, 11/10/2023 - 11:30
Wed, 11/10/2023 - 11:30
*This is a slightly revised version of an older post that (sadly) is relevant again. Have you heard the reasons why?(Yeah, we’ve heard it all before)But have you seen the nation cry?(Yeah, we’ve seen it all before) -From “War Weary World” by The Call Oy. It’s been a trying couple of days… Bertrand Russell said, “war does not determine who is right-only who is left.” That may be pithy, but he’s yet to be proven wrong. I realize that the 24-hour news channels have little choice but to “recycle” a certain amount of horrific footage as a huge international story of this nature is developing, but I’m old enough to recall when such imagery was processed as deterrence to conflict and a call for diplomacy, rather than a base and puerile incitement for vengeance (not by those reporting the news but as some politicians and pundits have been wont to do). What I find particularly heartbreaking is the plight of the non-combatants (on both sides) caught in the middle of the mayhem…especially the children. But perhaps I’m just naive, what with my pacifist wishes and hippy-dippy poster dreams. It’s a complicated world, and I’m just a simple farmer. A person of the land. The common clay of the American West. You know…a moron. That’s why I’m just the movie guy around these parts. That being said, I believe there’s something that the following movies, or more specifically their young protagonists can teach us about such matters. And so I’m spotlighting…