A Letter from McSweeney’s Executive Director

Mon, 18/12/2023 - 01:01
Mon, 18/12/2023 - 01:01

Dear reader,

By scrolling through McSweeney’s humor website, you’re already an important part of what we do and why we’re here. Today, I’m inviting you to an even higher purpose. Will you please be part of the collective work (of many thousands) to sustain and grow our groundbreaking nonprofit literary arts programs, from Pulitzer Prize-recognized poetry to decorative-gourd treatises?

McSweeney’s publishes this website of daily humor—nearly every day and always 100 percent free of advertising. We also publish McSweeney’s Quarterly, The Believer, Illustoria, and an intrepid list of books, all elegantly designed and featuring some of the boldest and most excellent writing anywhere. McSweeney’s is a nonprofit organization funded by sales of our books and magazines and contributions from the general public—readers like you.

Our readers rely on us to provide dazzling literary work—from the uncommonly beautiful to the uncommonly hilarious. And we rely on our readers to join us in upholding our values: celebrating writers, artists, and free expression, with a special emphasis on untold stories. Trite as it may sound, we actually can’t do this work without you. Thank you for considering the ways you can be a crucial part of what we do at McSweeney’s.

Or email me if you’d like to discuss planned giving, or a gift of stock or other assets. We believe deeply that the world needs the kind of courageous writing found in our publications, and we’re heartened that you do too.


Amanda Uhle
Publisher & Executive Director