Vouchers: another free-market scam

Wed, 15/11/2023 - 02:30
Wed, 15/11/2023 - 02:30
Eating the Big Enchilada one bite at a time From the point of view of private profit, one of these analysts enthusiastically observes, “the K-12 market is the Big Enchilada”. (2007)  What is the largest portion of the budget in all 50 states? (2011) Money laundering for the masses (2012) “Folks, they want to destroy public education,” the state Senate minority leader told a room full of supporters last year. (2014) Venture capitalist, Eric Hippeau, believes the “education market is ripe for disruption.” (2014) Readers know by now that the promotion of school “choice” is not aboutand the diversion of public ed funds into private academies (“the money follows the child“) is not about what’s best for America’s children. Like so many other special-interest enthusiasms, it’s about the investor class chasing public money. Oh sure, they’ll leverage the religious right’s paranoia that public schools are indoctrinating little Dick and Jane in the ways of Satanic multiculturalism and science. But they’re just investors’ useful idiots. The money, you won’t be surprised, follows the market. And in rural America, there ain’t none. Jess Piper gave a presentation on school privatization at Netroots-Chicago last summer. Here she spells out plainly why vouchers are a fraud.