Impeach Madness

Thu, 14/12/2023 - 04:00
Thu, 14/12/2023 - 04:00
Today is the day the MAGA House plans to officially vote for an “impeachment inquiry” I know this will come as quite a shock, but the current U.S. Congress is the least productive congress in almost a hundred years. Not since the first years of the Great Depression under Herbert Hoover has the legislative branch been so ineffectual. This may seem surprising considering that the Republican majority has dominated the news from the moment it took the oath last January, but it has barely managed to do the one thing it’s supposed to do which is pass legislation. They certainly have been busy though. They started with an epic battle for the Speaker’s office that ended even before the year was up with the dramatic defenestration of that same Speaker for committing the cardinal sin of compromising with the Democratic Senate and White House to keep the government running. That took weeks of effort leaving little time for anything else. Then they had to hold “oversight” hearings to yell at administration figures and provoke fights with witnesses and there was the huge issue of the Senate dress code. They also needed to get to the bottom of that UFO thing and it’s vitally important that they obtain Jeffrey Epstein’s flight logs. They’ve got a lot on their plates. But nothing has been more important than the investigation into Joe Biden’s son Hunter and the alleged corruption that supposedly took place among Biden family members when Biden was vice president and…