DrupalCon Portland 2024 - How to Convince Your Boss (Sample Letter Enclosed)

Thu, 11/01/2024 - 04:57
Thu, 11/01/2024 - 04:57

DrupalCon Portland 2024 is approaching soon, and you can’t wait to head to vibrant Portland. If this is you, you also must be stressed about persuading your boss to invest in your attendance at the Drupal event of the year. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! This article is your go-to resource, where you’ll find all the ammo you need to make your case. Let’s get started!

But First, Are You Convinced About Attending DrupalCon?

Naturally, your organization has various factors to weigh, with the primary concern being whether sending you to DrupalCon Portland is worth their investment. But the pivotal question is the value you see in it. Explore our list of strong reasons to attend DrupalCon 2024.

  • For everyone - DrupalCon, the biggest open-source event in North America, offers a unique experience for all Drupal enthusiasts—whether you're diving into Drupal for the first time or have been a community member for years. The benefits of attending are vast.
  • Training - Learn specific skills relevant to your role through targeted training at DrupalCon. Develop a deep knowledge of Drupal directly relevant to your career, ensuring a direct and positive return on investment. (Can we mention some of the Training sessions lined-up for DCON 2024?)
  • Sessions - Dive into sessions led by the Drupal experts at DrupalCon. These are not just classes; they're conversations with the thought leaders who know their Drupal inside out. It's not just learning; it's getting hands-on wisdom from the best in the biz. (Can we mention some of the sessions lined-up for DCON 2024?)
  • Keynotes - Want a front-row seat to the State of Drupal and the future of the web? Then you cannot miss out on DriesNote. Plus, there are other keynotes that'll fire up your imagination about what's possible in the digital world.
  • Networking - Imagine being in a room with thousands of Drupal enthusiasts at DrupalCon. It's a community buzzing with passion. Got Drupal questions? Tap into a wealth of knowledge and enthusiasm at one of the largest open-source communities. Hallway Tracks and Exhibition areas are the heart of networking at DrupalCon. Who knows, you might just score a selfie with Dries on your stroll!
  • Industry Summits - It's not just about networking—it's about conversing with peers who've been there, done that. Learn the nitty-gritty of industry best practices at industry summits like Higher Education Summit, Nonprofit Summit, Government Summit, and Community Summit. Discover how to tackle business challenges head-on with Drupal solutions, giving your job skills a serious boost.
  • Peer Connection - It’s a chance to connect with folks who share the same passion as you. Swap stories, share insights, and stay in the loop about the latest in Drupal. Learn firsthand from those who get your role and challenges.
  • Contribution Sprint - If you’re new to Drupal contributions, get hands-on guidance and sprint mentoring by experts. Whether you’re a coder or a non-coder, they are ways for everyone to participate in community contribution sprints to amplify the power of Drupal together.

Sample Letter to Your Boss

Here’s a sample letter to help you convince your boss about attending DrupalCon 2024. We guarantee they'll see the light!

Dear [Boss’s Name],

I am writing to express my strong interest in attending DrupalCon 2024 in Portland, Oregon, and to request your approval for participation in this significant event. I believe that attending DrupalCon will not only benefit my professional development but also contribute to the success of our team and the company as a whole.

Here are several compelling reasons why my attendance at DrupalCon is beneficial for us:

  • Industry Insights: Networking at Industry Summits will keep us updated on best practices and innovative solutions.

  • Strategic Vision: Keynotes, especially DriesNote, offer strategic insights vital for our long-term planning.

  • Community Engagement: Networking with thousands of community members ensures immediate answers and collaborations.

  • Role-Specific Learning: Connecting with peers in our specific roles provides insights into the latest in Drupal.

  • Contribution Sprint: Active participation contributes to Drupal's strength, enhancing our company's reputation.

I am seeking approval for the associated expenditures, which include:




Visa Fees (if required)

Ground Transportation



Conference Ticket


[Add this line if you’re traveling from overseas] The Drupal Association can issue an official letter of invitation to obtain a visa for my travel to the United States.

The Drupal Association can also issue a Certificate of Attendance for the conference if required for our records.

Please accept this proposal to attend, as I'm confident in the significant return we will receive for the small investment. For more information on the event, please visit the conference website: https://events.drupal.org/portland2024.

I'm available to discuss this further at your earliest convenience.

[Your Full Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Contact Information]