Another time for choosing

Mon, 15/01/2024 - 01:00
Mon, 15/01/2024 - 01:00
“The only thing we’re not doing is shooting people” “The only thing we’re not doing is shooting people who come across the border, because of course the Biden Administration would charge us with murder,” Texas Gov. Greg Abbott told Dana Loesch last week. But Texas will let them drown. We’ll come back to that. “The cruelty is the point,” Texas resident Adam Serwer famously wrote. Cruelty is also the policy. Don’t say you weren’t warned or missed the signals. There is already ash settling on your windowsills. First, this reminder: “The leading GOP presidential contender is using an admitted hit man and lifelong criminal as a character reference. Take a second to reflect on that.” — Luis Moreno, former U.S. Ambassador, retired Foreign Service Officer. In case you missed it on Saturday, Donald Trump jumped the loan shark. Trump is not flying solo either (CBS): A woman and two children drowned in the Rio Grande on Friday while trying to enter the U.S. near a section of the southern border where Texas National Guard soldiers have prevented federal Border Patrol agents from processing and rescuing migrants. Federal officials and a Texas congressman said National Guard soldiers deployed by Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott did not allow Border Patrol agents to attempt to rescue the migrants.  Take a second to reflect on that. America’s shame will not be on display on front pages across the world. The world will not view with horror these migrants’ sodden bodies as they did when three-year-old Alan…