Something In Their Water?

Tue, 23/01/2024 - 02:30
Tue, 23/01/2024 - 02:30
Ritual humiliation and humiliation humilitation A couple of social media posts about the ongoing fascist follies. The inferiority complex runs deep. Followers will, as Ruth Ben-Ghiat (“Strongmen: Mussolini to the Present“) observes, debase themselves to win the Leader’s approval and bask in any glimmer of reflected glory. Here’s the clip so you don’t have to hunt it. Like Donald Trump has for decades, Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders dutifully regurgitates that people “on the other side of the world are laughing at us.” Trump the Insecure has always craved the respect of people he never felt took him seriously (like his father), and not just in New York City. It’s why Trump fawns over Russian President Vladimir Putin and Hungarian strongman Viktor Orbán and North Korea’s “hereditary communist monarch” Kim Jong-un. They’ll never let you into their club, Donald. You’ll never have their respect. How much more pathetic that MAGA cult members crave Trump’s? Like loyalty with him, respect is a one-way street. Yes, white nationalist clowns who dress alike and follow each other around like some kind of low-rent fraternity like to project menace for the rush.* They may even commit violence. But as a force to be reckoned with they leave something to be desired. Laugh, but remain vigilant.     Post by @reed_galen_lp View on Threads   > * A former biker I once knew told me he was never into fighting. He just liked the implied menace that came with being a biker. Civilians gave him…