Identity Vs. Solidarity

Fri, 26/01/2024 - 02:30
Fri, 26/01/2024 - 02:30
Whatever happened to those pink pussyhats? Over at Anand Giridharadas’ The Ink this morning, Anat Shenker-Osorio emphasizes the need for the left to adopt and use symbols the way MAGA uses hats. Or rather, the way abortion rights activists in Argentina use green bandanas not only to signify their movement’s cause, but to provide people not in the movement with social proof. “It’s one of the most persuasive tools in our arsenal,” Giridharadas writes. Shenker-Osorio explains (subscription req’d): The thing is, people need to see, “Oh, that’s what my kind of a person thinks.” Humans are social creatures. We’re tribal. We want to find cues in our environment that tell us what our category subscribes to. That is, what do people like me think? Or as Girdharadas explains below, what do people like me wear? Shenker-Osorio continues: So while I think there is some symbology on the movement side of the left, there isn’t enough. On the Democratic side, I think it’s very hard to maintain. You just can’t maintain symbology when the movement won’t carry it — like they literally will not wear a Democratic Party hat, won’t do it.  But if you go to labor actions — I mean, look at the resurgence of labor, right? We ended 2023 with something like 400 separate labor actions in one year alone. We haven’t seen this in 40 years. Bread and roses. Like, the labor movement sings. The labor movement has songs, the labor movement has T-shirts, the labor movement…