“Harbingers of re-appearing tyranny”

Mon, 29/01/2024 - 02:30
Mon, 29/01/2024 - 02:30
Lincoln: “repulse them, or they will subjugate us” “The past is never dead. It’s not even past,” Faulkner wrote in 1951. “Old times there are not forgotten,” wrote Daniel Decatur Emmett in “Dixie” a century earlier in 1859. “History doesn’t repeat itself but it often rhymes,” wrote somebody, but not likely Mark Twain. We’ll come back to harbingers of re-appearing tyranny in a minute. Republicans in Missouri want to bring back “old time” dueling: Sen. Nick Schroer (R-St. Charles County) is listed on the proposal, notes Fox 2 St. Louis: Schroer’s office confirmed with FOX 2 that he was linked to the proposal, though he considers it a “draft rule change” that was distributed to members of the Senate “but not offered” and “never filed.” According to the language of the paper proposal, senators could agree to engage in a duel if “a senator’s honor is impugned by another senator to the point that it is beyond repair and in order for the offended senator to gain satisfaction.” The proposal also stated that an “offended senator shall send a written challenge to the offending senator” and those involved would agree to a “choice of weapons.” It also called for duels to take place “at the hour of high noon.” I’ve written plenty about the rump faction of American royalists who while sporting flag lapel pins and waving pocket constitutions never really accepted the principles of the Declaration or aspirations for a more perfect union. They do not simply want to bring…