CBS reports: When Brittany Watts woke up at her Warren, Ohio, home on Sept. 22, 2023, she knew she was miscarrying. Her 22-week-old fetus had been declared nonviable by doctors several days prior. Bleeding and in pain, she spent a total of 19 hours in the hospital over a span of two days, begging to be induced. But an ethics group at Mercy Health – St. Joseph Warren Hospital had concerns about Ohio’s abortion laws and how they applied to Watts’ case, ultimately resulting in hours of delayed care. Watts, frustrated with the lengthy wait times, said she left the hospital both days against medical advice. She said she miscarried alone in her own bathroom. When Watts returned to Mercy Health for medical care following the miscarriage she says a nurse rubbed her back and told her everything would be okay before calling the police at the direction of the hospital’s risk management team and asking them to go to her home to find the fetus. As Watts recovered in her hospital bed, officers from the Warren City Police Department searched her home. They eventually found the fetus, lodged in the traps of the toilet. Watts was charged with abuse of a corpse – a felony charge that was ultimately dismissed earlier this month after an Ohio grand jury declined to indict her. CBS News reviewed more than 600 pages of medical records as well as 911 transcripts and police records to understand what happened, and why Watts believes doctors,…