About The Polls

Wed, 06/03/2024 - 11:00
Wed, 06/03/2024 - 11:00
As I write this we’re awaiting the results of the Super Tuesday primary elections and obviously, we’ll be talking about that tomorrow. For now, I thought you might be interested in smart discussion of the presidential polls from Josh Marshall. First of all, he says that the good pollsters have a pretty good way of modeling the electorate and we shouldn’t dismiss the polls just because people don’t answer the phone. Ok. I’m a little bit skeptical that anyone can correctly divine who’s going to turn out in election in these weird times but I’ll take his word for it. Anyway, here are a couple more good insights worth thinking about: You need to believe these polls. But we need to break down what we’re talking about. People often say polling right now isn’t the same as this fall. But it’s not just that the election’s eight months from now and things can change over eight months. Public opinion just functions differently in the weeks before a national election than it does eight months before it. It becomes clearer who is and who isn’t going to vote. People answer polls differently when they’re about to have to make a choice than they do months in advance. Because of that I always find it a little difficult to answer questions about whether you should “believe” the polls. People say, well, this is just a snapshot. So it’s accurate for right now. But maybe not later. But now there’s not a general…