Trump Has No Opinion On Abortion Now?

Fri, 12/04/2024 - 05:00
Fri, 12/04/2024 - 05:00
“It’s up to the states” is not going to cut it He thinks he can wash his hands of the abortion issue but I’m afraid the blood isn’t going to come off that easily: Back in 2022, when it looked as if the Supreme Court would soon overturn Roe v. Wade, Senate Republicans’ campaign arm sent out a memo encouraging GOP candidates to get their messaging right. “Republicans DO NOT want to throw doctors and women in jail,” the memo maintained. It cast the statement as a rebuttal to Democrats’ “lies” about the GOP’s abortion positions. Donald Trump did not get the memo. The former president on Wednesday responded to the Arizona Supreme Court’s reviving a harsh 1864 abortion ban — which indeed threatens abortion providers with two to five years in prison — by punting on this basic issue. Asked whether doctors who provide abortions should be punished, Trump allowed that certain states could do that. “I’d let that be to the states,” Trump said. “You know, everything we’re doing now is states and states’ rights. And what we wanted to do is get it back to the states, because for 53 years it’s been a fight. And now the states are handling it. And some have handled it very well, and the others will end up handling it very well. Making 10 year old girls give birth to their brother? Don’t ask me, it’s up to the states. Denying pregnant women emergency medical care because a legislature is scientifically illiterate? What can I…