Uncle Joe toots his horn

Mon, 02/01/2023 - 02:30
Mon, 02/01/2023 - 02:30
A brief recap before the storm The White House wants to remind you what Democrats got done last year. Maybe because unless the GOP self-destructs the Biden administration’s ability to be loud and proud has a short half-life. I know someone needing the shingles vaccine. As of today there is no cost for those covered under Medicare Part D. If eligible, get vaccinated. Here is one benefit that slipped by me. We’ll see how much more Biden can get done in 2023 with a hostile, Republican-controlled House obsessed with investigating Anthony Fauci and Hunter Biden’s alleged laptop. Jeffrey Billman of Informed Dissent cautioned that we’re looking at two years of Benghazis because “when you elect clowns, you get a circus.” It will be a clown show or a horror show, one way or another. Update: Forgot to link to this Guardian longer review of more good news from 2022.