Impeachment ZZZZZzzzzz

Thu, 18/04/2024 - 05:00
Thu, 18/04/2024 - 05:00
It’s the Republicans, stupid. Or rather, the stupid Republicans. This is so idiotic. Everyone knows that Mayorkas will not be convicted in the Senate. This kabuki today, with some MAGA Republican Senators caterwauling that there must be a full trial is supposed to jam up the Democrats running in tight Senate races but I find it hard to believe this mess means much to the average voter. Do most people even know it’s happening? I expect we’ll see more of this in the future. Just as they set the precedent for presidential non-accountability with the criminal Richard Nixon’s pardon, they did the same with Clinton’s absurd impeachment. The Republicans have been destroying norms for many decades now. It just ramped up to warp speed under Trump. This Mayorkas impeachment is particularly pathetic because it’s all happening because they can’t muster a reason to impeach the president even though they want to do that more than anything as a gift to their Dear Leader so they’re doing this as a sop to their base and a means to flog immigration for their electoral benefit. But it’s clear that they’re also fighting among themselves, just as they are in the House, so this is actually more evidence that they are completely useless at governance and their party is completely dysfunctional.