What Has Joe Done For Me Lately?

Fri, 26/04/2024 - 23:00
Fri, 26/04/2024 - 23:00
He’s exceeded my low expectations Joe Biden was not my first pick for president, but that’s how it goes. Remember: This is politics. If you want a soul mate, try Match dot com. Even then, ever had an argument with your spouse and stayed married? There you go. President Biden has chalked up quite a record going into this November. I hate flying. Hate it. If a desination is within 600 miles or so, I drive. It’s not worth the headache and expense to fly. By the time I drive to the airport (which, depending on the destination, could take 1-1/2 to 2 hours) with enough lead time to park, get cleared through security, and to the gate with time to spare, I’m already partway there if I just drove. The last time I got on a plane, I missed a 1 p.m. connection because of a weather delay, waited hours for the next flight out, then sat on the tarmac for another hour in the late afternoon during another weather delay. By the time I got to my hotel after 11 p.m. it was like 12+ hours from the time I left the house. I could have driven (with gas/food stops) in 10-1/2. For less. Joe Biden’s administration means to address that customer-unfriendly experience. Even Fox News is impressed. Matt Stoller provides a short list that goes beyond infrastructure. Not bad, old man. ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● For The Win, 5th Edition is ready for…