Simon Rosenberg as some advice for Joe Biden’s campaign which includes ideas on youth outreach, climate change etc. It’s all interesting but I think he makes an excellent point here that I haven’t heard anyone else make: I think Joe Biden should promise to clean up the city he has so long been a part of. Among the things we can tackle are the influence of foreign money, the need to raise ethical standards at the Supreme Court, eliminating the debt ceiling and the ability to shut down the government, and the wild abuse of Senate holds on nominations. Perhaps Biden could set up a commission to make broader recommendations on how to modernize and reform a city desperately in need of it. The utter sleaze of the Trump years has never been properly addressed. These trials in New York have illuminated Trump’s personal corruption and sleaze but we have yet to see anything really penetrate what he’s done to the political culture in Washington. This level of blatant corruption is one of the greatest threats to the system of all and at some point it’s going to have to be dealt with. After all, Trump is hardly alone in this and when he moves on, which he will either sooner or later, this culture is going to remain.