Please Avoid Memorizing These Unhelpful Mnemonic Devices

Tue, 30/04/2024 - 22:00
Tue, 30/04/2024 - 22:00

“Red touch yellow, legless fellow. Red touch black, legs they lack.”
Remembering that neither coral snakes nor scarlet kingsnakes have legs.

“Uplifting. Star-spangled. Anthem.”
Remembering the letters in “USA.”

“A caT has two. A dOg has one.”
How many horns common household pets would have if those household pets had horns, and also if cats had two of them while dogs only had one.

“Red touch yellow, kill a fellow. The largest nation, Russian Federation.”
Distinguishing between a coral snake and the country of Russia.

“An airplane takes you up to a different plane. A submarine goes in the water.”
Determining whether a vehicle is an airplane or a submarine.

“ER = Eating Rounds. ING = Inside, Normally Garments.”
Remembering whether plates go in a dishwashER or a washING machine.

“Red sky in the morn, a day is born. Red sky at night, a day takes flight.”
Distinguishing between sunrise and sunset.

“fLoors are Lower.”
Telling the difference between a roof and a floor.

“Radical scientists invent time machine so they won’t read spoilers about next show death.”
Recalling the words to the mnemonic, “Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning. Red sky at night, sailor’s delight.”

“Points are three, then feel free. Point is one, flee and shun.”
Remembering which end of a fork to bite down on.

“Big cats terrify antelopes.”
Remembering the standard aging process of baby to child to teenager to adult.

“All tigers can bite.”
Remembering the aging process for literary character Benjamin Button.

“A terrible cardiologist thoughtlessly told Terence to taste thirty thermometers.”
Remembering the aging process for literary character Benjamin Button if his reversed aging was fixed partway through the story, but then he got caught in a time loop and kept living his teenage years over again.

“Red touch gray, get away. Blue touch green, be serene.”
Distinguishing between coral snakes and scarlet kingsnakes if they had different colors, but also one of them was still poisonous and the other wasn’t.

“All good boys deserve fudge.”
Remembering the notes on the lines of the treble clef musical staff slightly wrong.

“See from their view? Then that’s you. See from afar? Someone else they are.”
Determining whether someone is yourself or a different person.

“Ripping up a rare artwork, Edward realizes Friday Raphael paintwork biting afternoons aren’t really acceptable socially.”
The first word of every previous mnemonic in this list.