The Evangelical Swing State Project

Sun, 12/05/2024 - 07:00
Sun, 12/05/2024 - 07:00
“The Left is loaded with demons” One of the ways the Trump campaign is attempting to recruit more Hispanic and Black voters is to work closely with their most fanatical cult members, the evangelical Christian church. They had mostly only been able to indoctrinate their white membership but they see some untilled soil in those minority evangelical communities and they’re going after them with a two pronged effort between the Church and the Trump campaign: Just as they prophesied Trump’s victory and collaborated in the 2020 attempted coup, the Trump wing of the New Apostolic Reformation is on the offensive once again, waging a campaign in counties they think will swing the 2024 presidential election.  The campaign has two main elements. One is led by Apostle Lance Wallnau, whose campaign is branded as The Courage Tour, while the other is led by a Trumpian think tank, the America First Policy Institute and its political action arm, America Policy Works. The latter’s project has disappeared from public view and may have gone stealth, but Wallnau’s Courage Tour, which appears to be a rejiggered version of last year’s Fire and Glory Tour, remains quite conspicuous.  Wallnau, a strategist and the public face of the revolutionary movement known as the New Apostolic Reformation, is best known for his advocacy of the 7 Mountain Mandate, which is the idea that Christians are called to conquer seven “mountains” of society to achieve religious and political dominion: government, family, religion, arts & entertainment, media, education, and business.  Wallnau says he’s engaged in “the battle for the…