Poisoning the well for profit and cruelty Among would-be Rambos who fancy themselves patriots, artifacts from the American Revolution serve to justify, well, whatever antisocial, anti-American behavior needs justifying. Sacking the U.S. Capitol comes to mind. They’ll wave Gadsden flags and sport tee shirts citing Thomas Jefferson’s “the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” Etc. But when they’re not sacking capitols and bear-spraying police, and when their crooked lawyers are not working to overturn elections that don’t go their way, these miscreants employ a more ancient tradition: poisoning the well. Smithsonian Magazine provides a thumbnail history of “an early form of biological warfare,” the practice of belligerents as ancient as the Sumerians and as recent as the Israeli Army and ISIS iterally poisoning wells to inflict suffering on civilians. RationalWiki describes metaphorically poisoning the well as “a rhetorical technique and logical fallacy that uses the association of negative emotions to distract a subject from actual evidence in an argument,” adding, “Poisoning the well is an appeal to hate.” Brother, do many on the right hate the country they claim so loudly to love. Abusive men, take note, the Republican Party is acting out one of those dreary murder ballads with America. If they can’t have her, nobody can. Robert Reich sees in Donald Trump’s criminal trial in Manhattan how thoroughly the right has poisoned the well of democracy by undermining human decency. He finds no one admirable in the Donald-Michael-Allen-Stormy-David saga revealed in court testimony. What has our…