“Democracy has been stolen”

Fri, 24/05/2024 - 23:00
Fri, 24/05/2024 - 23:00
So say those working to steal it So this is what it’s like to live history. You may have read about the Civil Rights movement and watched coverage of Vietnam, the first moon landing, and the Watergate hearings as they happened. But in this century, American history is more personal. A friend who lost her fiancé on Sept. 11 and dreads every anniversary. We participated in electing the first Black president, lived through the Great Recession, and sheltered from COVID-19. We watched the Trump insurrection unfold live. At a remove like past events, yes, but the feeling is more visceral. This week, we found out that key actors in our national drama fly flags representing support for unmaking our democratic republic and constructing in its place a white Christian theocracy. Heather Cox Richardson reminds us that the Appeal to Heaven flag has been on display “in front of the office of House speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) and over the houses of Supreme Court justice Samuel Alito and the architect of the right-wing theocratic takeover of the federal courts, Leonard Leo.” “Slow-motion train wreck” may be overused but feels right here. The Supremes led by Alito overturned Roe. Plans like Project 2025 are public. “Baby Don” Trump broadcasts his revanchist plans for a second term. Half the country believes the country is in recession, unemployment is at record highs, and the stock market is in decline when the opposite is true. Richardson references how Abraham Lincoln, in his June 16, 1858…