There must be some Republicans left out there who think this is going too far. (Right? ) I can’t imagine my father (who I’m sure would have loved Trump) not wincing at this. It’s just not how right wingers of a certain age and experience saw the world. (Not that they didn’t think the hippies and the “minorities” weren’t a huge problem but they never thought that Russia and China weren’t worse.) On the other hand, maybe they’ve been so indoctrinated and brainwashed that they no longer have any patriotism left at all. I assume that most of you don’t watch Fox and probably don’t want to watch a whole interview with Dear Leader in any case. (If you do, you can see it on Youtube here and here.) The torrent of lies is unbelievable. There are a few other highlights worth watching. He seems very stressed to me and looks drawn. I guess that’s understandable. He’s under a lot of stress. But he’s no Ironman, that’s for sure. And you may notice that for some reason there are a lot of jump cuts and edits. Hmmm. Maybe he shouldn’t have fucked a porn star and a playmate.