Unhinged and unbound I spent an evening once with students in the hallway of a Vienna dorm listening to American rock and drinking bootleg schnapps crafted by somone’s grandfather. The English idiom “bootleg” took some explaining. It led to a long, alcohol-fueled exchange of English and German idioms. One German idiom for insane that stayed with me was, “Er hat nicht alle Tassen im Shrank.” (He doesn’t have all his cups in the cupboard.) Watching clips from a couple of Donald Trump appearances last night brought that back in a big way. Perhaps you’ve heard that under Joe Biden our airports are failing and in chaos? People are erecting tent camps because of flight delays, Trump claims. Trump heard something about “people camping out at the airport” because of a delay, put 2 and 2 together and got 5. It’s so crazy, noted Josh Marshall, that the Biden-Harris rapid response account simply reposted the rant without comment. Trump seems bothered by all the musings about his mental state after his rambling about electric boats and sharks. Rather than pretend he never said it, as he often does, he doubled down and made it worse. “Wow. His brains are pudding,” commented Spiro’s Ghost. Trump claims genetic brilliance and “aptitude” because he had an uncle who once taught at MIT. Have you heard? “Jesus H. Christ, Trump. You and the f——- shark,” tweeted former MSNBC host Keith Olbermann. “Just jump the shark. Just jump the goddamned shark. Again.” Trump has really got it in for power…