The eminent historian Rick Perlstein weighs in on the media pack: The NYT detailing 90 reporters onto the Biden deathwatch reveals yet another American civic institition in its glaring failure to stand up to the stress test of imminent fascism. Alas, it falls into agenda-setting elite political journalists’ narcissicism sweet spot: it makes themselves the center of the universe, while denying they have any political agency at all… …Also, lets them preen in their version of virtue, which is “balancing” all the bad stuff they had to say about the GOP. Akin to how they puffed up and domesticated the Tea Party, to “balance” the way they puffed up Obama. #infernaltriangle …oh, and, bottom line, they’re all so jacked up over the prospect of a ten-way contest of Boar on the Floor. (The Peter Bakers are, yes, the Logan Roy in this scenario.) If you are unfamiliar with Boar on the Floor it’s from the show Succession. The patriarch and chairman of the company stages the game at a company retreat, Logan Roy, pits the potential successors to his company and fortune against each other: The rules of the game are simple: you pick your emotionally weakest dinner guests, and force them to them crawl around on the ground making pig noises while you throw sausages at them and chant: “Boar on the floor”. It’s both a power move and a Guantanamo-level act of total humiliation. Perlstein is exactly right. The Big Foot media are dying for an open convention where…