The Bounty program: Starshot edition

Wed, 07/08/2024 - 18:10
Wed, 07/08/2024 - 18:10

With all the news and activities happening around Starshot, you may have missed this, but the Drupal Association has launched the Starshot Contribution Credits. This consists of credits granted to a series contributions, in particular:

  • contributions to any modules, themes, etc that are designated as part of Starshot, 

  • 50 credits per week for each FTE (full time employee) equivalent dedicated to starshot, 

  • 1 credit per $100 invested for financial contributions and finally,

  • Special credit bounties for individual issues of exceptional importance.

You can read more about the contribution bonuses

The last point, special credit bounties, opens the door to a contribution coming from the Bounty Program.

What are we trying to do?

Given the success of the previous phase, we thought it was the moment to announce a few new issues that would carry extra credits, supporting the Starshot initiative. These issues are targeted at improvements to Drupal core that would reduce the number of contrib modules required in Starshot.

These are the issues that the period involved have identified:

And, as in the previous edition, the reward will be 50 credits for contributing to resolving these issues (5x the standard credit amount). Sounds good?

While these issues are not good candidates for a user or organization's first time contribution, they are a great opportunity for more senior contributors to have an impact.

Special thanks to: Tim Lehnen, Pamela Barone, Gábor Hojtsy, Nathaniel Catchpole and everyone that I am missing in and out of the core team for their help and support in identifying candidate issues for these bounties.

Note: What is the Bounty program?

The Bounty program started as a proof of concept to validate that we can help align the goals of the Drupal Association and Drupal itself, with the goals of individuals, companies, and the rest of the community, and hence, accelerate Drupal Innovation.

You may remember that this started during my tenure with the Drupal Association, and although my contract and direct involvement reached to an end at the beginning of the year, I committed myself, even before I left, to continuing the work I started with the Drupal Association, but especially with Drupal as a project, and the community. That’s why I’m still committed to helping run and coordinating this and other innovation programs, and that’s why I’m running as well for the Board of Directors (more on this soon).