Animal Thanksgiving! That’s from a couple of years ago, but I have to assume that zoos around the country will be doing something similar this year. Those are lemurs enjoying their T-Day dinner. The Oregon zoo: Denver Zoo: We aren’t the only ones feasting today! Our leucistic raccoon sisters, Pecan and Cashew, enjoyed a delicious Thanksgiving feast made up of hard-boiled eggs, clams, crawfish, pineapple, edamame, sweet potato, green beans, peas and carrots. Raccoons are omnivores, so these items are all staples of their daily diet. Our Nutrition Team presented these foods in a fun new way for our girls! These goats at Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium in Tacoma, Washington, had a lot to be thankful for this season, given a huge Thanksgiving feast of vegetarian fare and even “mocktails” made from beet juice, according to the zoo.