Your once and future president

Mon, 09/01/2023 - 11:30
Mon, 09/01/2023 - 11:30
Just think about that for a moment. First of all, he’s talking about the thing he says nobody should talk about. Then he says he brought in professors to tell him what we have known since the dawn of the nuclear age, but fails to tell them that he was really looking for permission to launch a first strike if he wanted to. (That’s surely the reason why they all wove a lurid story of Armageddon.) Then this rambling moron says Biden has lost his mind and lies about what he said about Ukraine by putting his own words in Biden’s mouth. This is a reminder you probably don’t really need but I put it here because we just saw the House GOP majority, including the new speaker, ostentatiously lick his boots over the weekend giving him credit for finally securing McCarthy’s win. He’s not done yet.