Empty Tables

Mon, 13/03/2023 - 07:52
Mon, 13/03/2023 - 07:52

My long-dead father used to say, “Every human being deserves to taste a piece of cake.” Though at the time his words meant little to me, as I grew older I realized both what they meant, symbolically speaking, and the grim reality they disguised so charmingly. That saying of his arose from a basic reality of our lives then — the eternal scarcity of food in our household, just as in so many other homes in New York City’s South Bronx where I grew up. This was during the 1940s and 1950s, but hunger still haunts millions of American households more than three-quarters of a century later. In our South Bronx apartment, given the lack of food, there was no... Read more

Source: Empty Tables appeared first on TomDispatch.com.
