holiday food

Fri, 14/04/2023 - 03:32
My sole new year resolution this year was to post once a week–but I’ve failed. I missed a week in February and this is the first post of April. I am so disappointed in me. But, oh well. I’m gonna try to get back on the wagon. FUN FACT! According to the Smirnoff advertising folk,Continue reading Smirnoff Year of the Brunch: Easter Brunch (1969)
Wed, 21/12/2022 - 01:34
The Peppermint Martini (an interim idea). Somebody once said, “if the perfect martini is ever created, it won’t be a martini.” Until now, two things stood between the martini and perfection: Gin and Vermouth. Substitute Smirnoff for gin and you’re halfway home. But what can you substitute for vermouth? We haven’t found it yet, butContinue reading Smirnoff Peppermint Martini (1972)