Political issues

Thu, 26/10/2023 - 03:09

October 25, 2023 Aggressive Nostalgia The Dark Side of Pining for the Good Old Days By Alfie Kohn “Time was when parents had their own authority about the rearing of children….There was no back talk and no nonsense….Today we have the child- centered home. In it there is little peace and quiet, and certainly not much respect for, or fear ... Read More

The post Aggressive Nostalgia appeared first on Alfie Kohn.

Tue, 17/05/2022 - 02:09

May 16, 2022 When the Myth of Progress Unravels By Alfie Kohn The arc of history is long, but it bends toward catastrophic annihilation.              — Barbara Ehrenreich   The fact that five religious Supreme Court justices have eliminated women’s right to terminate a pregnancy — a protection representing “a half-century of progress toward a more equal society” — has ... Read More

The post When the Myth of Progress Unravels appeared first on Alfie Kohn.

Wed, 01/03/2023 - 00:46

February 28, 2023 How to Prevent Social Change:  A Handy Guide for Educators and Parents By Alfie Kohn If you’re the sort of person who prefers to perpetuate rather than challenge the status quo — or maybe just a fan of inequity — I have good news for you. Certain ways of raising and teaching children are actually much more ... Read More

The post How to Prevent Social Change: A Handy Guide for Educators and Parents appeared first on Alfie Kohn.