Culture and Religion

Thu, 27/02/2025 - 04:59
Social cohesion is supposedly the order of the day. Our rights are being steadily eroded in its honour. One would hardly imagine that a religious institution would host a political figure for whom fear and division are lifeblood. Yet, on Thursday, 20 February, Emanuel Synagogue hosted Peter Dutton. Dutton’s current shtick is weaponising antisemitism for Continue reading »
Mon, 17/02/2025 - 04:59
In a recent post Eric Hunter asked: “Why doesn’t God save the world?” (P&I, 10 February 2025). It’s an interesting question, usually framed under the rubric of “the problem of evil.” Hunter prefers to believe in science rather than to believe in God. So why did he post about God in the first place? There Continue reading »
Thu, 30/01/2025 - 04:50
The buzz around Xiaohongshu and then DeepSeek has had an unusually high volume of westerners speaking positively about China for the last couple of weeks, which of course means we’re also seeing many westerners falling all over themselves to say “Well actually China is actually quite bad actually” in response. Western liberals who fancy themselves Continue reading »
Tue, 28/01/2025 - 04:52
Today marks 237 years since the commencement of the violent dispossession of First Nations peoples from this land. It represents a day of mourning and protest. We are reluctant to email you about anything other than this today, but we feel it is important to keep you informed about the vicious and escalating attacks on Continue reading »
Tue, 28/01/2025 - 04:56
The promotion of antisemitism as a diversion from what is happening in Palestine is a deliberate activity which must be understood by all Australians, particularly voting age Australians. What must be understood is this. Antisemitism is a derogatory concept. To call someone an anti-Semite is to convey a defamatory imputation about that person. It is Continue reading »
Sun, 26/01/2025 - 04:50
Wars, like that being waged currently by the Zionist terrorist government of Netanyahu are the destructive and mindless outworking of dualism; about winners and losers. ‘We unequivocally condemn the October 7th, 2023 heinous attack on Israel by Hamas’. And it’s absolutely right that we do. The attack was evil and indefensible, although understandable in the Continue reading »
Sun, 26/01/2025 - 04:56
I have been reading Stan Grant’s beautiful new book, Murriyang song of time (Bundyi: Sydney 2024). There is in it a sentence pertaining to the Uluru Statement of the Heart and the subsequent failed Referendum. Stan Grant says, poignantly, that ‘the Uluru Statement spoke from the afflicted to a nation that has never loved us.’ Continue reading »