Doctor Omega is a character created by French writer Arnould Galopin in his 1906 science fiction novel, Le Docteur Oméga.
Doctor Who
In today's BCTV Daily Dispatch: Avatar: The Last Airbender, Yellowjackets, David Tennant/Michael Sheen, Doctor Who, The Boys, and much more!
Check out the BBC & Disney+'s teaser posters for the return of Doctor Who this May - a case of "One of These Things Is Not Like the Other."
Big Finish's upcoming 24-part epic audio drama event The Worlds of Doctor Who – Dark Gallifrey shows what happens when Time Lords go bad.
BAFTAs host David Tennant reunited with Staged co-star Michael Sheen for an opening sketch that saw Tennant faced with a big dog dilemma.
David Tennant couldn't resist getting in a dig at disgraced ex-U.S. POTUS Donald Trump during Sunday's BAFTA Film Awards opening monologue.
Once upon a time, Russell T Davies wrote and drew comics. Sometimes, they were about Doctor Who. But often about his school.
Comedian Sooz Kempner shared with Richard K. Herring how she came to join the Doctor Who "Whoniverse" as the time-hopping assassin Doom.
Taylor Swift fans won't have to worry about any jokes from BAFTAs host David Tennant - he has "Swifties" at home he would have to answer to.
In today's BCTV Daily Dispatch: Community, OMITB, The Rookie, TWD: The Ones Who Live, Chucky, Star Trek: Discovery, Doctor Who, and more!