Journal of Australian Political Economy

Mon, 01/07/2024 - 06:00

Political economy is most influential when it links academic analysis with practical participation in processes of social change. Concurrently, the enthusiasm and growing expertise of a younger generation of political economists is crucial. Both features are evident in the latest issue of the Journal of Australian Political Economy. Its contents range from the analysis of the federal budget to the political economy of Antonio Negri; and from the Albanese government’s new industry policies to the ongoing controversy over building seawalls to protect coastal real estate. The authors range from political economy newcomers to veterans; while the implicit sub-text is about relevance and regeneration.

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Mon, 18/12/2023 - 06:00

The midpoint of the current federal Labor government’s term of office is a good time to take stock and assess its performance. What has it done in each of the major policy areas? What has not yet been done but needs to be done? What are the possibilities and prospects? More generally, what does the recent experience of Labor in government indicate about the role of the state and policies for reform within modern Australian capitalism?

This special theme issue of JAPE contains 19 articles that address these concerns.

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Tue, 27/06/2023 - 06:00

The Journal of Australian Political Economy continues to be the go-to place for publishing political economy for local (and international) readers.

The journal’s latest issue (Winter 2023) contains full-length articles on a variety of topics, with particular focus on Australian industry policy issues, bank lending policy and regional inequalities in housing affordability. A review article considers recent books dealing with climate change and capitalism. Four shorter articles on recent official reports are also featured, along with an array of reviews and notes on recent political economy publications. Overall, the contents of this latest issue show the continuing vitality of political economy scholarship and research in Australia [...]

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Mon, 19/12/2022 - 09:26

The 90th issue of the Journal of Australian Political Economy was published this week, at the end of a deeply troubling year – with Russia’s war on Ukraine, the emergence of strong inflationary tendencies, growing fears of economic recession, and mounting evidence of deepening climate change. Incisive political economic analysis is always needed for understanding what is happening in the world around us – but now more than ever [...]

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